

Free Transition Analysis

As Veterans, we understand the stress of transitioning from the military to a civilian career.   We have the resources, tools, and network capabilities to successfully meet your transition needs. Let us be your guide through this process.



free Analysis to see how a fellow Veteran can assist you in your Journey. Pulling on the rope together has never changed. Finding the Solution to your need is the goal.



We provide you a free cost analysis on your energy services.  Why the analysis,  it is simple.   Energy services are one of the most expensive cost in today’s economy, however most consumers only complain about the cost but never realize they have the power to choose.  Deregulation has provided the consumer to choose who and at what rate select from.  Take our free analysis and let us Educate you on how to save on something you  cannot do without.



We provide you a free cost analysis on your wireless service.  Why the analysis,  it is simple.   A wireless device is necessary to stay in communication with the world around you.  Educate yourself on how to save on something you will not do without.


Understanding Solutions

What do we know about solutions?

Solutions are unique as the problem that is trying to be solved.  It may be the answer you want to hear or it may be the answer you need to hear.  The resolve of the situation will be absolute in that we will work for you to find a solutions that meets the need.

In the process of finding a solutions accountability is a two at streak, as you hold us accountable in finding the solution we as veterans will hold you accountable to assist in the solutions process.

Ladies and Gentlemen this is 4 life, not a one and done.  At any time you have a problem that needs to be solve we will find the soluitons period.

Root Cause Analysis

Tracing a Problem to Its Origins

Step One: Define the Problem

  • What do you see happening?
  • What are the specific symptoms?

Step Two: Collect Data

  • What proof do you have that the problem exists?
  • How long has the problem existed?
  • What is the impact of the problem?

You need to analyze a situation fully before you can move on to look at factors that contributed to the problem. To maximize the effectiveness of your RCA, get together everyone – experts and front line staff – who understands the situation. People who are most familiar with the problem can help lead you to a better understanding of the issues.

We currently utilize four analysis that we currently work with to solve solutions for some specific needs.  The solutions portfolio will continue to grow as we incorporate additional resources through networking alliances.

Step Three: Identify Possible Causal Factors

  • What sequence of events leads to the problem?
  • What conditions allow the problem to occur?
  • What other problems surround the occurrence of the central problem?

During this stage, identify as many causal factors as possible. Too often, people identify one or two factors and then stop, but that’s not sufficient. With RCA, you don’t want to simply treat the most obvious causes – you want to dig deeper.

Use these tools to help identify causal factors:

  • Appreciation – Use the facts and ask “So what?” to determine all the possible consequences of a fact.
  • 5 Whys  Ask “Why?” until you get to the root of the problem.
  • Drill Down– Break down a problem into small, detailed parts to better understand the big picture.
  • Cause and Effect Diagrams – Create a chart of all of the possible causal factors, to see where the trouble may have begun.

Step Four: Identify the Root Cause(s)

  • Why does the causal factor exist?
  • What is the real reason the problem occurred?

Use the same tools you used to identify the causal factors (in Step Three) to look at the roots of each factor. These tools are designed to encourage you to dig deeper at each level of cause and effect.

Step Five: Recommend and Implement Solutions

  • What can you do to prevent the problem from happening again?
  • How will the solution be implemented?
  • Who will be responsible for it?
  • What are the risks of implementing the solution?

Analyze your cause-and-effect process, and identify the changes needed for various systems. It’s also important that you plan ahead to predict the effects of your solution. This way, you can spot potential failures before they happen.